Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Beautiful Creation

I do not think that we were ever meant to be chained
Or that the beats of hearts were meant to be suffocated by loud voices, calloused hands
How can anyone look at a child and see anything besides endless dreams?
How can anyone look at a body and see it as a price
a good, merchandise
We live in a marketplace of dehumanization
Immune to the to the plague of self deprecation
that has stemmed from generations hearing the words
"You are not enough"

Windows that do not offer a view into a vast future
but act as a barrier of love
People that do not offer a way out
but have feet that jump to conclusions and eyes that judge
Somehow the glass like a funhouse mirror twisting reality
Evil does not always roll in on clouds of smoke and fire
But rather it seeps in on hands placed on bodies and limits placed on lives
Chains needing to not just be broken, but removed completely
Replaced with the words "You are loved"

I can't help but think that this is so far
from all He intended our Garden to be
How can trust become a tool of manipulation?
A welcoming hug transformed into suffocation
Girls led to believe that all they will ever be is a behind doors strip tease
As their pride and self worth is stripped away with their clothing and heels
Mother and Father holding their daughter's hand and walking her into
a lifetime of selling herself to put food on the table

The only hope that is left is not held in the hands that grab or control
No it is the Hands that were driven into a tree
A Savior who sees past the stains and misuse
An era of hurt and abuse
And paints them the way they were planned out to be
Purely pure, a vision of joy, completely restored
Voices returned to the mouths of the oppressed
Given the chance to tell their story not as a fictional character or a statistic
but as a face, a name, a beautiful creation
Echoing the Creator in ever fiber of their being
So that someday they can truly say "I am loved"

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