Friday, July 21, 2017


I am learning to love
the being I've become
The body that holds my tender soul
The skin and bones, the flesh
wrapped around mess and holiness
Truly it is a journey
To learn to trust your bones, your tongue, your cracking joints
worn from the battle, worn from the love
Worn from learning you are enough
Truly it is a journey
to plant hope in your lungs
and breathe out trust

Sunday, March 19, 2017

a prayer for the pain

This world is a heavy one
Let it down easy
Your weary limbs can't rejoice right now
But somehow
Hope still flickers
Dancing in the shadows
Tip-toeing down alleyways
It may not seem like the
darkness will ever dissipate
Night cannot remain forever
Let your lungs mourn
Let your chest collapse in surrender
Exhale the sorrow burrowing inside
No need to hide
Joy comes in the morning
It may not be morning yet