And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Colossians 3:17
I'm slowly realizing how quickly this year has flown by. How is it already almost Lent? Everything has been chaotically busy lately and this season definitely snuck up on me. With the bitter cold and never ending winter surrounding me it's hard to even think about spring, let alone the joyful celebration of Easter Sunday. Today I decided that for me, Lent isn't going to just be about giving something up in an effort to deny my own selfish wants. It's going to be a time where I become a little bit more aware of how I can give myself over to Christ in my day to day words and actions and prayers.
I like plans (understatement of the year). I am the biggest fan of lists and schedules. However the word "daily" makes me want to run in the other direction. I have never been able to keep up with a daily journal or a daily devotional or a daily discipline. So I'm trying not to think of my "goals" for Lent as daily plans but more as ways that I feel God is calling me to make some changes in my life
I complain a lot and I've realized how absolutely awful I sound when I do. I have been showered with blessings and yet I constantly let my mouth whine about so many trivial things. I complain about people and places and classes when I should be expressing joy. Starting on Wednesday, every time I go to complain, I am going to express a positive spin on the situation instead.
I, Hayley Sheaff, am addicted to Starbucks. And I hate it (oops, that's definitely a complaint). I find my feet walking there between classes before my mind can even comprehend where I'm going. Sure I have gift cards and it can be a good place to study, but other times it is a total waste of money. Starting on Wednesday, instead of going to Starbucks, I am going to make myself a cup of tea in my room and keep a little more money in my bank account.
I have become completely immune to the sounds of sirens in Chicago. It doesn't even phase me when a police car or ambulance or firetruck whizzes by or even when I can hear faint traces of them in the distance. Each one should serve as a reminder that this world is hurting and in need of healing. Starting on Wednesday, I am going to pray for the situation at hand whenever I hear a siren, hoping that God can provide peace and safety to anyone involved.
Here's to a Lenten season of change that will hopefully continue on into a year of new, better habits.
I need to give up Starbucks, but it's just so darn good!