It can only make sense to begin with thanks
Thank you for letting my spirit run loose
For never tying me down to ideals
For letting my imaginary friends sit in the backseat and at the dinner table
For letting me sing you songs that I scribbled on notebook paper
that never really had rhyme or reason or even a logical melody
And still you listened
You have always listened
Thank you for reading me books that stretched my mind
For always giving me the space and time to create, think, and get mad
You have taught me that it's okay to get angry with the things I see
and more importantly the things I don't see
That this world is far from perfection but so am I
That there is always something new that I could be striving towards
even if I have to stand on a step stool to reach it
You taught me that it's okay to rely on someone else
That asking for help is not something to be ashamed of
And I should always be looking for new people that can etch encouragement into my heart
Thank for you for giving me inconceivable grace
For always finding a new way to sneak love into my pockets when I wasn't looking
For letting me fall on concrete but always being there to patch me up
I think some of my worst injuries came from rejection and heartache and broken trust
but you always have had the right sized band aids to cover them all up
You have taught me that wounds don't heal over night, and sometimes it will feel like they haven't healed at all
Thank you for reminding me to stop picking at my scabs and to just give them time
Thank you for showing me the way toward a Savior who fills in the gaps of your human mistakes
For guiding my little feet down a path that led to a loving Christ
Thank you for refusing to buy me velcro sneakers no matter how much I begged
You always said that I had to learn how to tie my shoes first
Thank you for never giving me an easy way out
For pushing me to sing louder and love bigger
And never letting me settle with the things that came easily
Thank you for standing up for me on your Mama soapbox
Yelling on street corners, always fighting to make sure I was given a fair chance
When I felt like my own voice was silenced by circumstance
There you were with your megaphone and your determination
Always doing your best to make sure that the world never got the best of me
And on the days when I felt like a crumpled piece of paper tossed aside by everyone else
You spread out the wrinkles and taped me to the front of the refrigerator
Proud of all of me, my mistakes and triumphs and silly tendencies
You have loved me through my darkest days and my most beautiful celebrations
It can only make sense to end with thanks
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