Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Poem B

A Prayer from Your Child

Lord it's so easy to give you a hand
but so hard to give you my hands
they were made to do your very kingdom work
but I am not fit to serve a king
no I am not fit to serve a servant of a king 
And my hands have held things and people they never should have 
my fingerprints leave marks of sin, and slander has seeped in under my nails
Lord it's so hard to give you my hands

Lord it's so easy to give you my feet
as long as your path leads me by still waters
for I seem to still stumble every now and then 
I am the type of person that could trip on air
and lucky for me you don't air my faults on television screens 
you could fill entire news shows with all of the mistakes i've made before i have even eaten breakfast
I'm sure glad i don't have to walk a mile in your shoes
They'd be too big for me to fill and I'd just stumble even more
Lord it's so hard to give you my feet

Lord it's so easy to give you my eyes
They are lamps
not shaded, but filled with your light
but sometimes bulbs burn out every now and again and I'm not even tall enough to change them myself
And I stay in the darkness while I fumble and fall until I can't possibly stand it anymore
They are doors
choosing to shut out your beauty and creation and only opening to the pain of this world
They are filled with question marks and brimmed with tears for your people and their sufferings
Lord it's so hard to give you my eyes

Lord it's so easy to give you my soul
You made it after all, it's not even mine to give
my heart beats in time with your creation
my blood pumps your love through my veins
I am human but I am loved
And you are love
Even my lungs know to obey your commands
you have stopped my breath time after time
Sharp intakes and gasps remind me to appreciate that I am here
I long to give you all of me
But I am selfish, I'm a hoarder of emotions
an over achiever of carrying my own burdens
I am hard headed and hard hearted and hard to understand
but you know every outline of my bones
you know the songs that I write out of struggles
and the walls that I build to shut everyone else out
you know their blueprints better than I do
and here I am
merely a child
arms lifted high as i praise. not to feel closer to you
but to reach up to my Heavenly father as i learn to walk in his ways
to catch your blessings and your mysteries on my finger tips and to burst forth with your spirit
You take me as I am with stains and rough edges and you mold me into something beautiful
Lord I long to give you all of me

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