The one who knows my heart is holding it
The one who knows my thoughts created me to think
How incredible it is to walk with You as my intimate traveling companion, not as a roadside assistance
In dark alleyways littered with poor decisions and utter confusion
do not let me lose my step
Line my paths with tea lights and trust
Make my hands to read the brail of Your creation
and my heart to discern Your voice in a crowd of calls
I've always been bad at reading maps and I have a horrible sense of direction
But luckily for me, You've mapped out my life
And Your directions are the only ones that make sense
Once I've fallen to my knees sometimes I forget to stand back up
But the world can seem so distant from being so far down
The backs of knees and the heels of feet will always seem to be walking away, not gathering near
But You give me the strength to stand in joy
Because Your arms will always be there to lift me on my feet and to push me to move
There's no sense in standing unless you are willing to go forward and go forth in love
I have always been a list maker
But luckily for me, You aren't
You don't make lists of my flaws and failures and hold them against me
Instead You hold Your arms around me and say
"This is my beloved child"
And you don't make schedules of coincidence and happenstance
You make plans and You make a way
You bring us to the very people we were meant to welcome into our lives
And the people we were meant to learn and grow with
A firefly isn't actually a fly, but a beetle
Instead of holding it to it's physical design, we call it by it's desire to light up a nighttime sky
And so You call us by our desire to bring Your kingdom here
setting us free from mason jars of human confinement
You make our hands to do Your handiwork
and our hearts to do Your holy work
While being poured into we are made to pour into others
Vessels of Your word
and receivers of Your grace
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