Sunday, September 21, 2014


I've never been one of the cool kids
With the right gym shoes and the right words to say
I've never been picked first or felt loved most
I trip over my words and over my feet
And some days it seems that I undo more "good" than I speak
And still You've picked me
Out of a crowd and up into Your arms
You've chosen me to be Your Beloved
How good it feels to be called home after I've made mess after mess
Dug holes in the yard and filled them with my regrets
You've picked me

I have been redeemed
Seen even when I feel unseen, unclean
I have wrestled with demons and heartache and lost
But my Savior paid more than the cost when he died for me
Set free from all of my own insecurities
My addiction to making everything seem settled and safe
I've learned that your grace works most in the midst of the waves
chaos abounding often leading to love astounding
Like winning a race I didn't know I was running

I will always be running
You set my course and anoint my feet
Giving me worth when I should have been worthless
Purchased by the blood of a Savior
Who paid my entrance fee into the kingdom of glory
I have been redeemed
And still day after day I'm learning what that means
That I am free in his love and the security of knowing
that even in the moments I feel lost, I've been found

You have called me higher
Made me to love deeper and wider
But I wasn't left to walk this terrain alone
Surrounded by community formed of holy unity
You put on your hiking boots and came to walk by my side
And I am called to arise
Rescued from darkness and brought into light
With wounds in my sides that seem to match Yours
I have been jaded and hurt, I've wandered and lied
but through it all you've picked me
Saved me through Your wishing well ways
Washed clean by buckets and buckets grace
I have been redeemed

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