Breaking bread and breaking chains
Your fingerprints are even more visible amongst the dirt and the grime
Your name alone washes away and wipes clean
Even in the darkest of corners, forgotten nooks and
seemingly hidden spaces that everyone else ignores
Spiderwebs that linger even after the spiders are gone
And yet we're afraid because we know the past and we can't see the future
Barriers meant to protect and yet all they do is hold in
creating reliance and necessity amongst the depravity
Drink this cup and eat this bread
Grape juice on lips offered from tiny plastic cups
And wafers engraved with the cross
Something tells me that Christ's death was not this neat
He was not cleanly set on a table, passed around for church goers to easily hold Him
between finger and thumb
I've never been good with blood, with the insides
My Shepherd's blood spilt for a nation
would I have watched or shut my eyes?
It's hard to follow with your eyelids closed keeping you blind
but I think I've come to see that we don't usually see through our eyes
But through our hearts and mind
All things messy and yet all things restored
Somehow still we'd rather give up than give in, cave in, fall in
when we're called to fall in love morning by morning
with Love itself
Grace like dish soap fighting the toughest stains
We decide that our plates are too dirty so we never even bring them to the table
But my Creator created me insides and all
Grace abounding, Love amazing
He knows I'll always be running, chasing
Coming to the table with a messy plate time and time again
His eyes like magnifying glasses not made to examine but to reveal
Because examinations seek to uncover everything and anything that is wrong
But we have a Redeemer who seeks revelation in our hearts
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